A young man who aspired to the study of law once wrote Lincoln for advice. 有个渴望学习法律的年轻人曾给林肯写信寻求指点。
The FBI earlier this month charged a man with violation of federal copyright law, alleging he uploaded the film to the Web last spring. 本月初,联邦调查局指控一位嫌疑人违反联邦版权法,并宣称该疑犯于去年春天将该片上传至网上。
I believe it the only one where every man, at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. 我相邻唯有在这种政府的治理下,每个人才会响应法律的号召,奔向法律的旗帜,像对待切身利益那样,迎击侵犯公共秩序的举动。
Sin of thought, made the approach to governing the country, and should rely on the system, the law, which achieved leap from "rule of man" to "rule of law". 原罪思想,使得治理国家的办法应依托于制度,依托于法律,实现了从“人治”到“法治”的飞跃。
When I wear this badge, you treat me like a man of the law! 当我戴上这警徽时,你应该把我当成执法人员!
But I am a man of the law. 我是一名执法者。
Philip went to find Nathanael, and told him," we have met the man spoken of by Moses in the Law, and by the prophets: it is Jesus son of Joseph, from Nazareth. " 腓力去找到拿但业,说:“我们遇到了摩西律法上写的、众先知提到的那个人了,他就是约瑟的儿子拿撒勒人耶稣。”
The rule of law and the rule of man is a relative concept: the rule of law means that negate the rule of man, in favor of the rule of man is opposed to the rule of law means. 法治则是与人治相对的一个概念:主张法治意味着否定人治,赞成人治则意味着反对法治。
She decided it'd be hypocritical to leave a man for chon of the law? 她应该离开这个虚伪的欺骗她的男人?
3: This man kept one jump ahead of the law for two years by moving to a new city every two months. 他说:这名逃犯有两年时间老是比追捕他的司法人员领先一步,因为他每两个月就迁往另一个城市。
Every man should know something of law; if he knows enough to keep out of it, he is a pretty good lawyer. 每一个人都应该懂一些法律;假使他了解至足以置身于其外,那么他已经是相当可观的法学家了。
If he has not got it, then no law that the wit of man can devise, no administration of the law by the boldest and strongest executive, will avail to help him. 对没有操守的人,再睿智的法律、再有胆识再干练的法律管理都帮不上忙。
No matter what his social position ( might) be, a man is equal in the eye of the law. 一个人不论其社会地位如何,在法律面前都是平等的。
As China's economy and political system from "the rule of man" to "the rule of law" is speeding up, people from all walks of life demand fairness increasingly strongly. 随着我国经济、政治体制改革,由“人治”向“法制”步伐的加快,社会各阶层对公平性的要求越来越高。
As the common law of the development of human society, all countries around the world have experienced the process of "rule of virtue to rule of law with virtue to rule of man to rule of law". 人类社会有着共同的发展规律,世界各国都经过了从德治德法共治人治法治的发展轨迹。
In modern China, during the social transformation, the kernel of the construction of system civilization is, through the innovation of system, to transform from the rule of man to the rule of law, and from political imbuing civilization to political system civilization. 处于社会转型时期的当代中国,制度文明建设的核心是,通过制度创新,实现由人治文明向法治文明、由政治灌输文明向政治制度文明的转变。
This article begins with "Discipline and Punish: the birth of prison" by Foucault, examining Foucault's deconstruction of legality of rational man, scientism and the supremacy of law and so on. 本文以福柯的重要著作《规训与惩罚》为出发点,考查福柯对法律理性人、法律科学和法律至上等现代法律理念的解构。
The author makes a research on the intrinsic motivation and the essential requirement of legalization in administrative management in modern society, perceiving that the distinguishing characteristic of ruling by man instead of by law in ancient China reveals that modern administrative management of intrinsically calls for legalization. 本文探讨了现代国家行政管理法制化的内在动因和本质要求的问题。认为区别于古代社会人治化行政管理的基本特征在于:现代行政管理内在地要求法制化的行政管理即法治行政。
According to the history of law development, the law can be generally classified into two categories: the law of rule by man and the law of rule by law, and the latter is the modern law full of rule by law spirit. 从法律发展史看,法律大致可分为人治之法和法治之法两大类型,法治之法就是洋溢着法治精神的现代法律。
It emphases on the external rule which is not governed by man's will and that the function of law is not only the means of coercion and force, but also embodiment of social justice and equity. 它特别强调法是不依人的意志为转移的客观规律,法的功能和作用不仅是强制工具和手段,还是社会公平和正义的体现。
The times of present China place rightly the turning point: form production economy to commercial product economy; from tyrannical society ( rule by man) to legality society ( rule of law). 中国当前社会正处于社会转型时期,由产品经济转为商品经济,由专制(人治)社会转到法制(法治)社会。
In recent centuries, after studying and absorbing the western law culture, Chinese criminal law changes from tradition to modern one, and from be governed of man to of law. 近百年来,学习、吸收西方法律文化,使中国刑法从传统走向现代,从人治走向法治。
The guarantee current situation of the land rights and interests of women peasant of our country is not as wish, its reason is in many aspects, but man right poison left and distortion of folk law to women land rights and interests of constitutional law. 我国女性农民土地权益的保障现状不尽如意,其原因是多方面的,但主要是男权社会的遗毒和民间法对国家法保护女性土地权益的扭曲。
In the mind of some Chinese people, the thought of governing by man still exists. They lack the consciousness of law. 部分国人头脑中,人治思想固在,法治意识淡薄。
Many modern scholars attribute the problems in Chinese traditional politics to the rule of man, rather than the rule of law. Therefore, the establishment of a society of law is an important part of the Chinese modernization drive. 当前学界大多以为我国传统政治之流弊,在于主张人治而不重法治,因此,建立法治社会,乃是现代化建设中极重要的工作。
Advancing administration according to law in an all-round way and building government governed by law are the rational choice for our Party and Government to realize fundamental change from rule of man to rule of law in terms of governing style and leading style. 全面推进依法行政、建设法治政府是我们党和政府的执政方式、领导方式实现由人治向法治根本转变的理性选择。
At first, it indicates that after the prints man and implementation of administrative licensing law, business administrative management department makes new change on concepts, artifices, and contents of executing the law. 首先指出,在《行政许可法》颁布实施后,工商行政管理机关在执法观念、执法手段、执法内容上都有了新的变化。
The results of this discussion is to establish the mainstream of the Platonic "rule of man" theory, certainly the "rule of man" and "rule of law" dual history of the struggle. 这个讨论的结果是建立起主流的柏拉图人治论,肯定了人治和法治二元斗争史。
For the first quarter in the history of poetry of history characters analysis, such as a hermit, an enlightened monarch princes chivalrous man, scholars of the teachers of the law and so on. 第一节对其咏史诗中吟咏的历史人物进行分析,如明君贤臣、隐者侠士、学者文士等。
In theory, the pattern of law enforcement by public power have some defects, such as limited resources, regulatory capture, rational public choice by economic man, and the theory that the development of law enforcement by private could make up for such defects. 理论上,公权执法模式存在执法资源有限性、监管俘获、理性经济人的公共选择等缺陷,发展私人执法的理论认为发展诉讼保护机制能弥补这些缺陷。